
These documentation pages contain everything you need to know to get up and running with our product, 21 Travel Rule. It covers some background concepts about the Travel Rule, and explains how you can use 21 Travel Rule to achieve your compliance objectives.

Below, we outline some important attributes of our product.

21 Travel Rule is on-premise software

21 Travel Rule is licensed software that runs on-premise within your own IT environment. At no time is any individual or aggregated information exposed or shared with 21 Analytics.

21 Travel Rule can be used through a Back Office GUI

We offer our Compliance Dashboard to handle Travel Rule messages with counterparty VASPs. Managing address ownership proofs for self-hosted wallets can also be done there.

The Compliance Dashboard is most suited for parties that have a limited number of transactions per day or parties who have integrated with our API and want a dashboard-like functionality.

21 Travel Rule can be used through a Front Office GUI

We offer our Quickproof web application to automate interactions with your customers to obtain address ownership proofs in a scalable fashion.

21 Travel Rule can be integrated through APIs

The GUI functionality is powered by a GraphQL API that is also available for integration into your IT systems. This allows for a high level of automation for VASPs with a larger scale of transactions and proofs.

21 Travel Rule can be deployed in an hour

Our reference deployment is based on Docker and can be inspected here. In our experience, customers that have the necessary infrastructure in place can get the system up within an hour. We also have documentation on how to deploy in a OpenShift/Kubernetes environment.


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