
The GraphQL API expects Bearer Authorisation header containing a valid OIDC access token, usually issued by a Keycloak service which is integrated into the 21travel reference deployment.

By default, Keycloak is configured for usage via the web frontend using the account Keycloak client on the 21travel realm. Below, we describe how to create an additional Keycloak client on the realm such that API clients can request access tokens that can subsequently be used to authenticate against the GraphQL API. Following this recipe, both the web frontend and API clients can be used at the same time.

Creating a Confidential Keycloak Client for API integration

Within the Keycloak Administration Console:

Create A New Client

Navigate to the 21travel realm

Keycloak Realm

Then go to the "Clients" tab. Click "Create client".

Keycloak Admin Clients

Leave the Client type as "OpenID Connect", and choose an appropriate Client ID, for example "21travel-api". Click "Next".

Keycloak Create Client General Settings

Switch on Client authentication and Authorization, and make sure only the Direct access grants and Service accounts roles authentication flows are selected. Click Next.

Keycloak Create Client Capability Config

You can leave the final fields blank and click "Save".

Keycloak Create Client Login Setting

Create A New Client Scope

Staying with the newly created client, under "Client scopes" click "Add client scope".

Keycloak Add Client Scope

Select the "21travel-audience" scope and "Add" it as "Default".

Keycloak Add Client Scope Audience

Create A New Client Secret

Subsequently, you can go to the "Credentials" tab and copy the client secret, which you will need below.

Keycloak Credentials

Access Token Scopes

Now we are ready to obtain an access token via an HTTP call. We demonstrate this with the popular curl command line utility:

curl -L -X POST '<your-host>/auth/realms/21travel/protocol/openid-connect/token' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=21travel-api' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials' \
--data-urlencode 'client_secret=<client-secret>' \
--data-urlencode 'scope=openid'

In the above command, make sure to:

  1. Use the correct client ID under client_id=....
  2. Replace <your-host> with the host used in the Caddyfile.
  3. Replace the <client-secret> with the value you obtained above.

This will return a JSON response of the form:

    "access_token": "<access-token>",

You can now use this token to authenticate against the GraphQL API, for example querying the names of all TRP VASPs:

curl '<your-host>/graphql' --compressed -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>' --data-raw '{"query":"{ trpd { vasps { name } } }"}'

Make sure to replace <your-host> with the host where the autod GraphQL API is reachable, as well as to insert the <access-token> obtained above.

Authentication for GraphQL subscriptions

As is detailed on the subscriptions page, the GraphQL subscriptions are run over a Websocket protocol. Authentication happens as part of the initial handshake on an established Websocket connection. To this end, clients must include the very same Bearer token obtained from Keycloak mentioned above as the optional payload in the initial GQL_CONNECTION_INIT message as follows:

    "bearer_token": "<access-token>"

Usually, Websocket GraphQL clients come with built-in support for setting this payload, for example the JS Apollo client.