Register A Customer

Note: We recommend that you automate this manual process using the API.

The Register A Custom button allows you to add a new customer to the table.

Address Book Register A Customer Button

This will prompt a pop-up with the information required to register the customer.

Address Book Register A Customer Natural Person Modal

Register a Natural Person Customer

Address Book Register A Customer Legal Person Modal

Register a Legal Person Customer

Here you can find the following input fields:

You can choose if your customer is a natural person (requiring a first and last name), or a legal person (requiring just a legal name).

Customer Account ID (optional)

If your VASP already has a custodial system in place, you can use this field to keep the IDs the same. If left empty, 21 Travel Rule will automatically generate an ID for your customer.

Wallet Address

The digital asset wallet address of the customer you want to register. An example of this could be bc1q76lt4wgz4kr30mq3e9gayzgnmd0hy74v8ekrla for Bitcoin or 0xcBfa884044546d5569E2abFf3fB429301b61562A for Ethereum.

Digital Asset

Here you can find a dropdown with all the digital assets we support. You should choose the asset associated with the customer's wallet address. If we do not yet support a digital asset you need, you can always contact the 21 Analytics team and request it.