Detailed Proof

Can be any of the three proof types:

When you click on one of the rows in the Proofs Overview table, a pop-up will open.

Self Hosted Wallets Details Satoshi Test

Successful Satoshi Test

You can find the descriptions to these fields on the Proofs Overview page. All the proofs have the following fields:

Signature Proof

Self Hosted Wallets Details Digital Signature

Has the additional Proof field which shows the message used to create the digital signature. To add a signature proof you can follow the instructions on the Signature Proof page.

Satoshi Test

If pending it will show a prompt to send the Satoshi Test Portal link to the customer:

Satoshi Test Link Pending Modal

If submitted it will show the form to verify the proof:

Satoshi Test Submitted Modal

If verified it will show information about the proof:

Self Hosted Wallets Details Satoshi Test

You can find more information about the Satoshi Test on the Proofs Overview page. To add a Satoshi Test you can follow the instructions on the Satoshi Test page.

Visual Proof

Visual Proof

Has the additional Proof field which shows the file uploaded. You can click on this to download the file. To add a visual proof you can follow the instructions on the Visual Proof page.